This page is going to feature the most recent events, photos and info regarding our slated projects; as well as some fun industrytidbits!

We frequently pinch ourselves in order to know we aren't dreaming when we listen to the extraordinary musical talent of our Soundtrack Composer, Mr. Antonio Di Iorio. We feel as if we were there when this young man's skyrocketing career conducting orchestras from all around the world first began, but we were really four years late joining the party! We are humbled to think that we've already benefitted from his handywork in our GARROTER and, after seeing what he is capable of scoring for a horror/mystery film we know he'll outdo himself with our upcoming "PAST DUE!" This renaissance man from Campobasso, Italy, is making great waves in an industry that is not only highly competitive in general, being the music world, but Antonio is rising to the top of the Hollywood film scoring heap as he works with one phenomenal symphony orchestra after the other and with renowned composer of all time. This first selection will allow you to browse his site; if not simply click the link headlining this paragraph; then sit back, relax and marvel at his magicl musicianship!

Click on the above banner to be linked to this pretty cool site that shares
"100 Movie Facts You Probably Don't Know!"



2015’s JUPITER ASCENDING – Starred Mila Kunas and Channing Tatum, two of the biggest stars (perhaps not exactly “ascending” as far as this film was concerned at the time) and was budgeted at $176 MILLION. Not counting the marketing and distribution costs, even after its $184 MILLION in Box Office receipts, Warner Bros. took an estimated loss of $80 MILLION on this film.
2007’s EVAN ALMIGHTY – Starred comedic stalwart Steve Carrell and Lauren Graham. The film’s final budget was $175 MILLION, $35 MILLION over its projected $140 MILLION. It earned a “Razzie Award” nomination for worst sequel/prequel of all time, losing out to DADDY DAY CAMP, starring Cuba Goodings, Jr. It lost Universal Pictures an estimated $88 MILLION.
2011’s GREEN LANTERN – Starred Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively was budgeted at $200 MILLION and that didn’t include their marketing budget. The Hollywood Reporter estimated in order to succeed it would need to gross well over $500 MILLION in worldwide Box Office receipts. Instead it grossed $219.8 MILLION. Warner Bros. took a big bottom line hit on this one.
2015’s PAN – Starred Hugh Jackman and Amanda Syfried. Budgeted at $150 MILLION + spent $125 MILLION in marketing and distribution. It failed in China where it was hoping for big numbers and it was a total flop domestically, totaling $152 MILLION in Box Office receipts. When we do the math it renders a loss, again to Warner Bros. of a whopping $223 MILLION! For this film to come in at #12 with such a large loss, they must calculate percentages vs net losses; otherwise it would be much closer to the top worst.
2004’s THE ALAMO – Starred Dennis Quaid and Billy Bob Thornton. Do YOU remember The Alamo? Well, with a $107 MILLION budget BEFORE marketing and distribution, and having grossed a mere $56 MILLION worldwide, we’re pretty sure Touchstone Pictures would like to forget their reported net loss of $95 MILLION.
2002’s THE ADVENTURES OF PLUTO NASH – Starred another comedy legend, Eddy Murphy and lesser legend, Randy Quaid was a Castle Rock Entertainment and Warner Bros. distributed bust of monumental proportion. Its budget was $100 MILLION + $20 MILLION in marketing and distribution. It sadly returned a paltry $2.1 MILLION. Those numbers are easy to figure without even using a calculator. It equates to this film returning 1.75% of its original cost or a total loss of 98.25%. YIKES!
2005’s STEALTH – Starred Josh Lucas, Jessica Biel and Joe Morton. The film, which was made on a budget of $135 million before marketing costs, made only $13 million during its first weekend in theaters and only got worse from there, falling to $5.9 million in its second weekend and down to just over $2 million for its third. Although it made a foreign gross of $44.8 million, combined with its $32 million U.S. gross, it wasn’t enough to make up for its large budget. Columbia Pictures to an uppercut to the chin on this one, as they not only produced this film, they marketed and distributed it as well. Notcounting the marketing and distribution costs, which they must have been too embarassed to add to their numbers, STEALTH lost $68 MILLION.
2005's SAHARA - Starred Matthew McConaughey, Steve Zahn and Penelope Cruz - all heavy hitters on the silver screen in their own right. However, even though this film did well at the Box Office, it was a huge flop. Its huge budget of $211 MILLION which included marketing and distribution wasn't the biggest reason for the studio not recouping its investment. No, this bust was self-induced. Much of the budget went to pay actors and to allow for the extensive Special FX, however, a lawsuit against the film that later emerged from the oasis in the desert revealed that a large sum of the Paramount Pictures' budget went to the Moroccan government to let the studio film in their country. No tears for shady deal makers shed matter how big your company name is in the industry, folks!
2013’s JACK THE GIANT SLAYER – Starred Nicholas Hoult and Eleanor Tomlinson and was budgeted at $185 MILLION, yet with marketing costs even after it grossed $197 MILLION worldwide it lost a total of $125 MILLION for New Line Cinema and its distributor, Warner Bros.
2013’s R.I.P.D. – Starred Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges. It’s bad reviews, not to mention a budget of $130 MILLION, not counting marketing and distribution, only returned $78 MILLION at Box Offices worldwide. Percentage wise, and without knowing the cost for M & D, it’s right up there with the bigger, bad finishers noted throughout.
2013’s – THE LONE RANGER – Starred Johnny Depp and Armie Hammer and carried a price tag to produce, market and distribute of a staggering $375 MILLION and according to The New York Times, needed to make $650 MILLION worldwide in order to be profitable. It made less than a third of that, handing Disney Pictures a loss of $150 MILLION.
20012’s JOHN CARTER – Starred Taylor Kitsch and Lynn Collins and and several actors under the IMDb Top 1000. Problem was, it’s $350 MILLION budget PLUS another $100 MILLION to market the film was going to have to make $600 MILLION to succeed. Instead its worldwide gross ticket receipts were $284 MILLION and as a result the over $150 MILLION loss led then Head of Walt Disney Studios, Rich Ross to resign.
1999’s THE 13TH WARRIOR – Starred Antonio Banderas and Diane Venora, as well as legendary actor, Omar Sharif. However, for its time, the budget was exorbitant at $160 MILLION + marketing and distribution costs. The film only showed worldwide receipts of $61.6, resulting in a $100 MILLON + loss for Touchstone Pictures and Buena Vista Pictures Distribution.
2011’s MARS NEEDS MOMS – Was an animated feature, starring the vocals of Seth Green, Dan Fogler, John Cusack and others. Before marketing and distribution this budget weighed in at $150 MILLION and ultimately lost Disney Pictures $110.00.
2013’s 47 RONIN – Starred Keanu Reeves and Hiroyuki Sanada. At Numero Uno as far as biggest busts for movies in the history of filmdom, this budget was $250 MILLION which included marketing and distribution; however it laid a giant goose egg in Japan - which was where it was intended to shine brightly. Worldwide Box Office numbers were awful and H2F Entertainment and Universal Pictures Distribution lost their collective shirts on this one. It also adds to what had to have made 2013 one of the BIGGEST LOSER YEARS in all of filmmaking history. Makes one wonder if Keanu Reeves has spent much time in Japan since this extraordinary, no, make that EPIC failure?
NOTE From Us Little Guys:
As filmmakers we lament the rigors involved in the process of making a quality motion picture, yet, regardless of the world class star performers who are in a movie, regardless of the size of the budget, regardless of whether or not the film is being produced and distributed by one of the major Hollywood production houses, a movie’s success is 100% unpredictable. There are so many factors that go into the equation that it is literally impossible to have any expectations one way or the other. And, that is why the filmmaking business is considered one of the riskiest propositions in the world. The plus side, however, is you also never know when you’ve written, acted and been behind the camera of the next MOONLIGHT! As artists, we keep plugging away, because it it the passion and perseverance that turns a script into a full-blown cinematic marvel by which millions of viewers from all continents are entertained.
And Speaking of Us Little Guys...
Have a Look at The Top 10 Independent Films that Registered Major Box Office Hits; rendering them the Highest Grossing Movies of ALL TIME!
# 15
# 14
# 13
# 12
# 11
# 10
# 9
# 8
# 7
# 6
# 5
# 4
# 2
And the #1 Bomb of All-Time!
# 3

2000's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
$17 Million Budget
$213.5 Million Box Office Worldwide
1994's Pulp Fiction
$8 Million Budget
$213.9 Million Box Office Worldwide
Pretty much was the launching pad for the remarkable career of
Quentin Tarrrantino
2004's Fahrenheit 9/11
$24 Million Budget
$222.4 Million Box Office Worldwide
1997's Good Will Hunting
$10 Million Budget
$225.9 Million Box Office Worldwide
Welcome to the Biz, Matt Damon & Ben Affleck!
2007's Juno
$10 Million Budget
$225.9 Million Box Office Worldwide
1999's The Blair Witch Project
$60K Budget
$248.6 Million Box Office Worldwide -
Considered the most profitable film of All Time!
1998's Shakespeare in Love
$25 Million Budget
$289.3 Million Box Office Worldwide - Spent seven years in the Pre-Production phase. So, there's hope, no matter how long you work at making your film, friends & colleagues!
2002's My Big Fat Greek Wedding
$5 Million Budget
$368.7 Million Box Office Worldwide - JUST WOW!
2008's Slumdog Millionaire
$15 Million Budget
$377.9 Million Box Office Worldwide
2004's The Passion of the Christ
$30 Million Budget
$611.9 Million Box Office Worldwide
Say what you will about Mel Gibson, since everyone has a strong opinion of him, but going into this project without the much desired safety net for distribution and having put up 100% of the film's budget personally -- speaks volumes to what can happen when you are "passionate" about your project, your dream, and your career...AND you work your tail off to bring it to life. For that, we can all offer at least a small bravo for a job well done to Mr. Gibson. Oh, and this film is the 2nd Highest Grossing R-Rated movie EVER! Not just Indie status.
BRAVO to all of the self-believing, never-doubting, constantly-grinding,
fortitude-infused, fearlessly-focused and confident filmmakers out there
who absolutely, regardless of the obstacles presented . . . Refuse To Lose.
RTL, Brothers & Sisters!
And the #1 Indie Hit of All Time...
One of the biggest challenges in all of filmmaking is keeping the continuity of a film. In simplest terms, making sure that nothing is in a scene that doesn't belong in it. As filmmakers, next to the audio and video of our project, continuity is of paramount concern. Probably the biggest continuity blunders in literal history occurred in the 1966 Classic "ONE MILLION YEARS B.C. - which starred Raquel Welch. The title leads everyone to believe that it takes place quite a long time ago, and it does -- yet in one very memorable scene the moviegoer doesn't have to look too high up in the sky to see the smoky trails of an airplane. YEAH, that was a bad one! No matter how we try they are invariably going to find their way into a scene. After all the editing is finished, and NO ONE from the editing team picks up the is presumed that, alright then, lets just leave it in there, nobody who is a casual film attendee will notice either! Uh, they couldn't be more wrong. Some people study every miniscule aspect of a movie when they see it and are chomping at the bit to point our faux pas out to the world. Such was the case with one scene in our GARROTER! We won't tell you what or where it is, but when you notice it, it just might make you want to puke. *Hint *Hint! If you find it, drop us an email here and let us know. Perhaps we'll reward you with a personalized Blu-ray copy for your collection. Meanwhile, click on this blue link --► MOVIE OOPSY! and you'll be transported to and then transfixed at the Movie Mistakes website. There you can read about some of the more incredible boo-boos that managed to make their way through to the film's Final Cut:

From the "NEVER AGAIN!" Facebook page.
This past Sunday, November 10, 2019 - was nothing short of incredible as my beloved father-in-law, *Rolland Walt, joined me for an afternoon at the Holocaust Memorial Center (HMC) in Farmington Hills, MI.
Today was special because for the first time in her life, Ms. Edith Maniker spoke to a mesmerized audience about her Holocaust experience. Ms. Maniker is a docent at the HMC, yet in the quarter century plus since she's been volunteering her time and energy there she'd been reluctant to talk about the events which have not faded from her vivid memory for a second.
When I say mesmerized, there could be no better word to describe how she commanded the attention of every single person in that filled to capacity auditorium with every heartfelt word she shared with us.
Edith's docent work is being highlighted in an important scene which we are hoping to film inside the HMC next summer in our upcoming film, "NEVER AGAIN!" and we are delighted that this remarkable woman has agreed to make a cameo appearance as herself in the movie.
Her story of being a part of the "Kindertransport" program which helped her escape The Holocaust was enthralling and the details of her personal family loss was felt so deep down in our souls that we could sense her pain, if not fully empathized with it.
Making the day all the more personally memorable is the fact that Ms. Maniker was the first person Mr. Walt met when he moved to the Detroit area at the age of 23. Dadd (as I call him, because for 27 years he has truly been like a second dad to me and because if I can have two N's at the end of my name, he deserves two D's at the end of his) will be a spry 95 on February 1st upcoming; which has their friendship spanning seven decades.
For its outstanding work, the Cast & Crew of "NEVER AGAIN!" has designated the Holocaust Memorial Center as its sole beneficiary of a percentage of any realized profits that might come from our feature film The film makers express purpose is to in precise concert with the HMC, whose mission is “to engage, educate, and empower by remembering the Holocaust.” To which we add “in order to ensure that any event, however remotely akin to The Holocaust, may "NEVER AGAIN!" occur!
Friends of the "NEVER AGAIN!" project, kindly share some kind words with one of the most extraordinary people you will ever have the honor of knowing, Ms. Edith Maniker. And while you're at it, a respectful word or two for Mr. Walt; an honored U. S. Army Veteran and an exceptional human being in his own right would certainly be deserved and appreciated!
I thought about all of my colleagues who were a part of our guided tour of the HMC in May of 2018, and, while I was wishing you were there, I held you in my thoughts throughout the day and well into the evening.
Please know that we are working hard in order that we may commence with principle photography early next summer!
This experience reconfirms my certainty that “NEVER AGAIN!” is destined to be our film making family’s legacy. I look forward to seeing all of you On Set very soon!
With Much Love & Light,
Your -- Benn Perry
You'll be glad you visited the Holocaust Memorial Center, and you will be better off becoming "aware" and most well-informed.
* Very sadly, my Dadd, as I call him, Rolland Walt, passed away on Sunday, December 27, 2020, at the age of 95. He will be forever missed and honored as an Executive Producer. He would be humbled to see his name in the credits at the end of the film and it our Premiere will ultimately be bittersweet without him in the audience.
The Latest
Dateline - Farmington Hills, Michigan - Sunday, November 10, 2019
From our "NEVER AGAIN!" Facebook page

A. Neither of them has ever taken an acting class!
Sort of speaks to the notion that although acting is something that all of us do every single day, to some the notion of performing another character in front of a camera or on stage is a remarkably innate talent.
And NOW, Ladies & Gentlemen, Boys & Girls the World Over, lend your ears to the extraordinary...
2020 - "Parasite
2019 - "Green Book"
2018 - "The Shape of Water"
2017 - "Moonlight"
2016 - "Spotlight"
2015 - "Birdman"
2014 - "12 Years a Slave"
2013 - "Argo"
2012 - "The Artist"
2011 - "The King's Speech"
2010 - "The Hurt Locker"
2009 - "Slumdog Millionaire"
2008 - "No Country for Old Men"
2007 - "The Departed"
2006 - "Crash"
2005 - "Million Dollar Baby"
2004 - "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
2003 - "Chicago"
2002 - "A Beautiful Mind"
2001 - "Gladiator"
2000 - "American Beauty"
1999 - "Shakespeare in Love"
1998 - "Titanic"
1997 - "The English Patient"
1996 - "Braveheart"
1995 - "Forrest Gump"
1994 - "Schindler’s List"
1993 - "Unforgiven"
1992 - "The Silence of the Lambs"
1991 - "Dances With Wolves"
1990 - "Driving Miss Daisy"
1989 - "Rain Man"
1988 - "The Last Emperor"
1987 - "Platoon"
1986 - "Out of Africa"
1985 - "Amadeus"
1984 - "Terms of Endearment"
1983 - "Gandhi"
1982 - "Chariots of Fire"
1981 - "Ordinary People"
1980 - "Kramer vs. Kramer"
1979 - "The Deer Hunter"
1978 - "Annie Hall"
1977 - "Rocky"
1976 - "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest"
1975 - "The Godfather Part II"
1974 - "The Sting"
1973 - "The Godfather"
1972 - "The French Connection"
1971 - "Patton"
1970 - "Midnight Cowboy"
1969 - "Oliver!"
1968 - "In the Heat of the Night"
1967 - "A Man for All Seasons"
1966 - "The Sound of Music"
1965 - "My Fair Lady"
1964 - "Tom Jones"
1963 - "Lawrence of Arabia"
1962 - "West Side Story"
1961 - "The Apartment"
1960 - "Ben-Hur"
1959 - "Gigi"
1958 - "The Bridge on the River Kwai"
1957 - "Around the World in 80 Days"
1956 - "Marty"
1955 - "On the Waterfront"
1954 - "From Here to Eternity"
1953 - "The Greatest Show on Earth"
1952 - "An American in Paris"
1951 - "All About Eve"
1950 - "All the Kings Men"
1949 - "Hamlet"
1948 - "Gentleman's Agreement"
1947 - "The Best Years of Our Lives"
1946 - "The Lost Weekend"
1945 - "Going My Way"
1944 - "Casablanca"
1943 - "Mrs. Miniver"
1942 - "How Green Was My Valley"
1941 - "Rebecca"
1940 - "Gone with the Wind"
1939 - "You Can't Take It with You"
1938 - "The Life of Emile Zola"
1937 - "The Great Ziegfeld"
1936 - "Mutiny on the Bounty"
1935 - "It Happened One Night"
1933/1934 - "Cavalcade"
1932/1933 - "Grand Hotel"
1931/1932 - "Cimarron"
1930/1931 - "All Quiet on the Western Front"
1929/1930 - "The Broadway Melody"
1928/1929 - "Wings"