Are you Ready for Your Closeup?
At RTL we're actors too! We know how gruelling and uncomfortable the audition process can be. We've asked ourselves "Am I prepared?" "Do I FEEL what I'm supposed to feel about this character?" "Is there something I need to do to improve my presentation at my audition?" We keep all of the above in mind when we are auditioning people for one of our projects. We don't treat actors like herded cattle, and we'll never rush you in and out of your audition. We try to create a comfortable environment in which to perform, and we won't let you stand up in front of the Casting Director and Director like a deer in headlights.
First, we'll ask you to take a deep breath, then we'll invite you to ask us questions about the character you're about to try to win a role performing. When it is all over, if per chance you were not suited for the role for which you auditioned, with our humble opinions, we promise to reconnect with you; and we will not wait until after we've posted those people who have been cast ahead of that.
That is because we feel we owe it to you to treat you like the professional that you are. This time the role might not have been just perfect for you, however, we might just suggest another character. In any case, do not despair, down the road we may end up working together on yet another exciting project.
Our goal goes beyond the reading of a few sides. As long as you are left with a good taste in your mouth and don't leave your auditon with the notion that we're a bunch of pompous jerks who tried to hurt your feelings, bust you down, or shatter your dreams, we'll deserve to have you bring your talents before us in the future. That's said not just because we've "been there, done that," but because we believe that no one, Hollywood Execs included, has a right to act like they are an ounce more important than you are.
That's just the way we treat life...as we wish to be treated. You know, "The Golden Rule!"
The auditions for "NEVER AGAIN!" came off without a hitch and we are incredibly proud of all of the fine actors who came to The Actors Loft in Royal Oak, Michigan to show us their stuff. The decisions were challenging throughout the entire process, and after five days of careful deliberation the entire casting team was unanimous in believing that we've brought on board a remarkable group of 42 role players who will turn this story into a tremendously successful film-making project; successful in so many more profound ways than simply box office numbers. For those of you who were not selected, take pride in knowing that we thought so highly of you that we've started a personal file for you and intend on inviting you out for our next audition when that time comes. Finally, as everyone knows, circumstances over time change which preclude an actor from being able to perform their role...so stay in touch, as will we, should a role open up that would fit you perfectly!